Help me find someone > Ancestors in the UK

Percy Dalton or Percy Thom(p)son Dalton


Just become interested in trying to trace the Daltons.  My father was born on 15th November 19912 in Rosedale, North Yorks. He had a brother Bill and a sister Muriel (as Far as I know). Unfortunatley we werent close. I think the otheres stayed in the N. Yorks area.

Howard Dalton:
I have some records of Daltons in Rosedale, though not these. Mine seem to be a generation before or cousins. I only live a few miles away and can look at graveyards for you. Let me know how you are getting on.

Howard Dalton


--- Quote from: vienna on 30 June, 2010, 10:34 ---Just become interested in trying to trace the Daltons.  My father was born on 15th November 19912 in Rosedale, North Yorks. He had a brother Bill and a sister Muriel (as Far as I know). Unfortunatley we werent close. I think the otheres stayed in the N. Yorks area.

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